Although there are lots of lovely places close to home, my heart aches for Whitby and the surrounding landscapes. Having been ill for weeks at the beginning of the year we went at the end of Feb and had a relaxing week just watching the world go by and walking the round bits of the coast and abbey. It's a magical place for me, time always slips there, I've been back to various parts of child and adulthood. It also has this quality where the bleaker it gets or the worse the weather gets the better it gets as an experience. I brought back a green stone which was supposed to be a gift for someone and has never left my house as it won't stop talking to me, we are having quite a conversation.

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I find it fascinating that you mention that the bleaker it gets, the better the experience becomes. Do you think this is a reflection of how you're feeling. Or does the landscape seem to respond?

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It just feels like no matter how beautiful it is in good weather, there is something about storms, and dark skies and bleakness that just speaks to me, it's like a raw power, untamed, something that can't be controlled. For some reason that brings me a strange peace. I've noticed I rarely have the same reaction in places that are flat though, there are always hills, cliffs and drama.

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I am lucky. I can walk out my front door or my back door and I am immediately on the earth. This time of year my family can walk out barefoot after 7 months of winter....and there is green grass everywhere. This is a special place and I am grateful every day for the earth at my doorsteps. the

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Sounds beautiful Tommy. It’s a blessing to witness the world coming to life after winter. At the back of our house we have an area where so many different birds and animals congregate. It’s a wild and green little section of land.

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I loved going to Norfolk, I don't agree with or participate in shooting wildlife but my husband does & we used to go to the Norfolk washes with our dogs. He rarely shot anything but what I remember is in the pre-dawn of getting up & watching the slow sunrise in the middle of nowhere in complete darkness where it felt like time stood still, it was quite moving & eerie at  times, it probably made me remember the fields & quiet of where I grew up in around Bovingdon Aeredrome & having a similar feel to it.

I also have a connection with Hitchin Lavender, since doing my first meditation there last year & several workshops since then - its like the landscape talks to me in a way I haven't experienced before, it doesn't happen anywhere else. I miss not being there as I pick & dry the lavender there too & make things with it .... 💗

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I’ve spent a little time in Norfolk. Would love to explore further. Looking forward to the day we can return to hitchin lavender ☀️

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